Topic: branch metrics

Companies to watch in 2017

As the technology industry continues to grow and flourish, new companies and startups are sprouting, and old companies are finding new ways of reviving themselves But as we head into the new year, some companies won’t make it through the winter months, while others will find new and innovative ways to thrive and blossom. SD … continue reading

Branch debuts Deepviews to preview native mobile app content

Branch, a mobile deep-linking company focused on contextual app discovery, has announced Deepviews: a new tool that changes how users interact with native mobile apps. Deepviews automatically generates a mobile Web replica of a page within an app, and from a user’s perspective this means they can preview native app content without downloading the app … continue reading

What’s new in deep linking: Branch Metrics partners with Referral SaaSquatch, and URX debuts ‘Buy’ buttons

Branch Metrics, a mobile deep linking company focusing on contextual app growth and discovery, has partnered with customer referral platform provider Referral SaaSquatch on a combined deep linking experience for mobile app developers. The partnership integrates Referral SaaSquatch’s framework, referral infrastructure and JavaScript widget with Branch Metrics’ deep linking ‘branch links,’ or the shareable referral links … continue reading Protection Status
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