Topic: nginx

NGINX commits to modernizing, optimizing, and extending its open-source ecosystem

NGINX, the company behind the popular web server of the same name, announced several updates at its NGINX Sprint event, which is a free event designed for open-source developers looking to build the next generation of applications.  It also reflected on its progress over the past 18 years and shared its vision for the future, … continue reading

SD Times news digest: MobileTogether 5.1, Dart 2.2, and Hazelcast IMDG 3.12

Altova has announced the latest release of its app development platform MobileTogether. MobileTogether 5.1 includes support for the latest version of Android, support for implementing Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates, and other features designed to make it easier for developers to add functionality to apps. “We are constantly updating MobileTogether with not only the latest OS … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Android APKs, GitHub Education, and NGINX funding

Google has added a small amount of security metadata on APKs in order to verify which APKs were distributed by Google Play. This comes after it announced last year that it would be making updates to app security to verify authenticity. The company will be able to determine authenticity when a device is offline, add … continue reading

Red Hat Summit reveals new cloud and microservice partnerships

Several new partnerships were announced this week at the annual Red Hat Summit in San Francisco designed to accelerate enterprise adoption of microservices, cloud and containers.    IBM and Red Hat announced a major expansion to their existing relationship designed to accelerate hybrid cloud adoption. This new partnership that will enable IBM and Red Hat … continue reading

NGINX strengthens microservices capabilities in new release

NGINX has announced a new release of its Application Platform with major improvements and new capabilities. The NGINX Application Platform is the company’s integrated software development suite designed to simplify the adoption and deployment of microservices. In addition, the company announced the general availability of two new products: NGINX Unit and NGINX Controller. The new … continue reading

SD Times news digest: gRPC support in NGINX, Amazon’s GameOn, and Red Hat’s open source licensing initiative

NGINX has announced native support for gRPC traffic within NGINX in its next NGINX OSS and NGINX Plus release. NGINX is an application delivery solution for the modern web. gRPC is a remote procedure call protocol that enables communication between client and server applications. The protocol is popular in service mesh implementations because of its … continue reading


NGINX releases application platform with new application server, centralized management tools

NGINX is transforming its offerings into a one-stop application development and delivery platform, so teams can build or modernize applications with a collection of DevOps tools and best practices. Today, NGINX launched its new NGINX Application Platform, a suite of products which together, form a solution made up of application delivery, an application server, and policy-driven … continue reading

StackShare’s top developer tools of 2016

2016 came to a close with JavaScript as the No. 1 development tool. StackShare, a company with a mission to help developers find the best tools, has released its data on the top tools of 2016 that developers should put on their radar for 2017. “It took a bit of time to comb through the … continue reading

How IT teams can prevent shopping outages this holiday season

Thanksgiving through Black Friday is a busy season for e-retailers. A lot of revenue is generated during this period of time, and if a site goes down, it’s not just one person who is going to have to do some explaining. The IT team, project managers and the CEO will have to answer to shareholders, … continue reading

Amazon’s AI challenge, beta 10 of C#/XAML for HTML5, and Rust 1.12 released—SD Times news digest: Sept. 30, 2016

Amazon is hosting its annual competition for university students who are passionate about accelerating the field of artificial intelligence. The challenge this year is focused on developing a social bot, which Amazon’s Alexa digital assistant can use to communicate with humans on popular topics or events. For this challenge, teams will have to work in … continue reading

Companies to watch in 2017

As the technology industry continues to grow and flourish, new companies and startups are sprouting, and old companies are finding new ways of reviving themselves But as we head into the new year, some companies won’t make it through the winter months, while others will find new and innovative ways to thrive and blossom. SD … continue reading

Guest View: Microservices force companies to innovate or die

“Microservices” has become one of the hottest buzzwords of the past few years, and as with any game-changing new technology, there has certainly been no shortage of differing opinions around the topic. Some have been bullish about the adoption of microservices, calling them “SOA done right,” while naysayers claim that the idea is simply a … continue reading Protection Status
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