Topic: refactoring

Martin Fowler revisits refactoring

When software developer and industry thought leader Martin Fowler first approached the topic of refactoring in his book — Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code — it was the late 1990s and early 2000s, with the original edition of the book coming out in 2000. Since then, a lot has changed in the software … continue reading

Test Driven Development is alive and well

Despite what you might have heard around the industry and on the Internet, Test Driven Development (TDD) is not dead. The practice is still alive and well, especially in this new modern agile world. TDD is a developer-focused practice where developers, not testers, write the test before they write their code, and then they keep … continue reading

Linkapalooza: March 28, 2016

The Linker is M.I.A., but one thing that will never go missing are these links… Swift enlightenment… Four key roles on agile software development teams… Software testing vs. software development… Take a step back before you refactor… A painless self-hosted Git service… A Python virtual environments primer… How to avoid brittle code… Concurrency in Rust… … continue reading

Factoring in refactoring: The what, when and how

A software developer’s job is never done. They don’t always get their code right on the first time, and it doesn’t always look pretty at first glance. Developers have to constantly modify, improve, and clean up their codebase to make it more readable and maintainable. “Software development is like writing a novel,” said Geoffrey Grosenbach, … continue reading

You manage your financial debt—What about your tech debt?

Technical debt is real, and teams need a strategy to manage it. Just about every software project accrues tech debt over time. Tech debt manifests itself during development and in production. Ignore it or don’t service it at your peril. Before continuing, let’s look at a simple definition of tech debt. The one I like … continue reading Protection Status
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