Analyst Watch: Foster development-related education

As digital transformation initiatives accelerate, so too does the intensity with which employees attempt to acquire coding and digital literacy skills. For example, IDC data forecasts that the population of part-time developers, defined as professional resources who perform development-related work even though they do not have the job title of developer, will increase with a … continue reading

Analyst Watch: The birth of the enterprise digital librarian

As digital transformation accelerates, deepens and intensifies within the enterprise, the number of digital assets that an enterprise has to manage will correspondingly increase. For example, enterprises are already in the process of developing more net new applications, modernizing existing applications, creating microservices, APIs, functions as a service, infrastructure as code solutions, CI/CD toolchains and … continue reading

Analyst Watch: 3 steps to becoming cloud native

What is a cloud-native enterprise and how does an enterprise achieve that designation? A cloud-native enterprise is one that specializes in cloud-native development, or development that is optimized for distributed infrastructures.  Examples of distributed infrastructures include hybrid clouds — on-premises applications that use products and services from a multitude of sources and applications that leverage … continue reading

Analyst Watch: Evaluating the ethics of software

In recent years, technology analysts have devoted much attention to the topic of developers and how the demographics of developers are changing. For starters, the International Data Corporation (IDC) has noted the growth of developer populations in China, India, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia and Turkey, as well as select countries in East Africa. In addition, IDC … continue reading

Analyst Watch: Toward a curated web: Why digital content needs standards

One of the striking attributes of the contemporary state of digital transformation is the conjunction of the ubiquity of digitization with its incomplete realization in a multitude of consumer and business contexts. On one hand, digital transformation has succeeded in empowering consumers to access data and information about just about any topic—whether it be the … continue reading

Analyst Watch: The ubiquity of developers

What does it mean to be a software developer today? Is it necessary to write code to qualify as a contemporary software developer? Are practitioners of low-code and no-code development software developers? Should business stakeholders who participate in software development using platform-as-a-service development tools be considered software developers? Moreover, do IT professionals, business analysts and … continue reading

Analyst Watch: Understanding the meaning of cloud-native applications and development

The term ‘cloud native’ is responsible for significant confusion in conversations about contemporary application development because of a lack of clarity about its meaning. For example, contemporary usage of the term often equates it with applications that are optimized for cloud computing infrastructures.  Another use of the term equate it with cloud-based applications that are … continue reading

Analyst View: The demise of the statistician

One of the remarkable consequences of the contemporary proliferation of data is the corresponding profusion of data-driven analytics across a wide range of industry verticals. In particular, research in verticals such as environmental science, education, pharmacology, medicine and public health differentially explore concepts such as correlation and causality as they relate to two or more … continue reading

Analyst Watch: Rethinking digitized emergency preparedness

One of the questions raised by the August and September hurricanes that wreaked massive destruction on Texas and Puerto Rico concerns the role of software and digital transformation in accelerating rescue and recovery efforts. The question of the role of software and digitization in facilitating those efforts deserves amplified relevance because of the dramatic acceleration … continue reading

Analyst Watch: Can Graal be the Holy Grail of polyglot runtime?

Virtualization has proven its value to IT and to developers through technologies such as server virtualization and the venerable JVM. Operating system virtualization is about providing protection and isolation/security from other operating systems while maximizing system utilization. In the case of the JVM, the value is arguably more about providing an insulation layer that abstracts … continue reading Protection Status
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