Topic: app store

Apple announces upcoming tax and price changes for apps and in-app purchases

Apple recently announced that there will be changes made to the App Store’s commerce and payment system. These changes will be made based on changes in certain regions’ taxes and foreign exchange rates. The changes will go into effect on February 13, 2023 and will alter the prices of apps and in-app purchases on the … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Apple releases new marketing tools for App Store, Android to expand permissions auto-reset, Swift 5.5 released

Apple announced that users can now easily create custom marketing assets such as banners and images to promote their apps on social media and more.  One just needs to select their app, choose a template, customize their design, and add preset messages in multiple languages.  The new App Store marketing tools can also be used … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Apple resolves class-action suit from US developers regarding App Store, Qt Creator 5.0 released, Phoenix Framework 1.6.0 first release candidate

Apple announced new changes to the App Store that will resolve a class-action lawsuit from US developers. The agreement clarifies that developers can share purchase options with users outside of their iOS app; expands the price points developers can offer for subscriptions, in-app purchases, and paid apps; and establishes a new fund to assist qualifying … continue reading

SD Times news digest: AgilePoint PaaS version 8, Parasoft and Lattix team up on embedded software security, and App Store subscription server notifications

AgilePoint PaaS version 8 was released to focus on citizen developers. The release was unveiled with a new user interface and user-friendly functionality including a centralized Work Center to manage end-to-end processes for distributed teams, a guided App Build Wizard, automated application generation, and more.  It also includes a robust business intelligence and training module … continue reading

Google reveals most common app store violations and how to avoid them

The Google Play app safety team released a set of tips and guides in an effort to detail the boundaries of app content and functionalities allowed on the platform, as well as provide the latest guidance on how developers can promote and monetize apps. According to the team, one of the common mistakes is apps … continue reading

Microsoft reveals 10 app store principles to promote fairness

Microsoft released a set of 10 principles to promote fairness and innovation on Windows 10. The release follows the announcement of the Coalition for App Fairness (CAF), which was formed late last month to counter Apple App store practices.  “For software developers, app stores have become a critical gateway to some of the world’s most … continue reading

The Coalition for App Fairness formed to counter Apple App Store practices

The independent nonprofit Coalition for App Fairness was formed to promote competition and to protect innovation on digital platforms by providing a roadmap of acceptable practices for operators of the most popular platforms. “As enforcers, regulators, and legislators around the world investigate Apple for its anti-competitive behavior, The Coalition for App Fairness will be the … continue reading

Apple announces iOS 13 app requirements

Apple announced that all apps will need to be updated or built to work with iOS 13 by April 2020. In addition, apps will be required to fit the all-screen designs of Apple’s largest mobile devices and iPads.  “Customers around the world will soon experience the incredible new features of iOS 13. Make sure your … continue reading

Apple seeks to counter lawsuits, complaints

In the midst of antitrust lawsuits and monopoly complaints, Apple is trying to prove its app store promotes innovation and welcomes competition. “We created the App Store with two goals in mind: that it be a safe and trusted place for customers to discover and download apps, and a great business opportunity for all developers,” … continue reading

Apple reportedly limits developer access to users’ contacts

Apple wants to make sure developers don’t sell users’ phone contacts or use the data in any malicious way. The company quietly updated its App Store review guidelines to ensure developers cannot use information from contacts, photos or APIs to build a database, and then sell or distribute that database to third parties, Bloomberg found. … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Apple developers form new union, ElectricFlow 8.3 and NVIDIA’s deep learning solution

A group of Apple developers are banding together to form the Developers Union. The union is designed to advocate for sustainability in the App Store, according to the developers. This is a community-driven “non-union union” designed to help improve the App Store by focusing on the issues that matter the most to developers. “Today, we … continue reading

SD Times Blog: App Store Review Guidelines causing big problems for SMBs, DIY app builders

Recent App Store Review Guidelines changes from Apple are starting to cause some serious problems for DIY app builders and SMBs. A few months ago at Apple’s Developer Conference, Apple announced changes to the design and standards for approval to the App Store. A big change comes with rule 4.2.6, which states that “apps created from … continue reading Protection Status
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