Topic: standards

Zero-Copy Integration standard made available to public

The Digital Governance Council and Data Collaboration Alliance have announced the public release of Zero-Copy Integration, which is a Canadian standard that provides a framework for meeting strict data protection regulations and dealing with the risks related to data silos and copy-based data integration.  The Zero-Copy Integration framework establishes the following principles: data management via … continue reading

OMG announces parts of its Unified Architecture Framework are now ISO/IEC standards

The technology standards organization Object Management Group (OMG) has announced Parts 1 and 2 of its Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) have been made International Standards Organization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) standards.  UAF is a framework that developers use to represent enterprise architectures, allowing specific areas to be focused on while still having visibility into the big … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: C# standardization

Microsoft has announced C# standardization is now open sourced. The work for C# standards will now happen in the open under the .NET Foundation while the ECMA C# standards committee, TC-49-TG2 is still responsible for creating the proposed standard for the C# language. “Moving the standards work into the open, under the .NET Foundation, makes … continue reading

OMG to create new specification for pedigree and provenance within BPM family

The Object Management Group (OMG) has issued a request for proposals for the pedigree and provenance model and notation (PPMN) specification. The PPMN specification will be part of the BPM family of modeling and notation standards, and will support tracking the pedigree and provenance of physical and abstract things. OMG’s BPM+ provides a set of … continue reading

Efforts to standardize tracing through OpenTracing

Industry efforts toward distributed tracing have been evolving for decades, and one of the latest initiatives in this arena is OpenTracing, an open distributed standard for apps and OSS packages. APMs like LightStep and Datadog are eagerly pushing forward the emerging specification, as are customer organizations like HomeAway, PayPal and Pinterest, while some other industry … continue reading

Virtual reality’s expanding horizons

For fans of the virtual, reality has come a long way. In 2016, we’re living in a reality where not only virtual reality, but also augmented reality applications are commonplace, and hardware for supporting these types of applications is everywhere. As is typical of new technologies, only after they have arrived in the marketplace has … continue reading

Industry Watch: Developers: First, do no harm

Healthcare workers, airline pilots, sea captains and others are held to a code of professional ethics, as they hold people’s lives in their hands. Should software engineers working in those fields be held to the same exacting standards? I recently spoke with Prof. Andrew Boyd, an assistant professor of biomedical and health information sciences at … continue reading

The (nettlesome) Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is all around us, and every day we’re soaking it in. It is giving the Internet senses for the first time, which will drive us to the future of business technology. Sensors are a huge part of the Internet of Things—and soon a big part of the Internet as a whole. … continue reading

The software testing schism

The world of software testing has always been a mishmash of ideologies and methodologies. A diverse worldwide testing community has adjusted and innovated techniques independent of any unified set of standards, sharing philosophies and ideas but not common practices. ISO 29119 aims to change all that, and in the process has set the testing world … continue reading

Making quality changes

Testing, design, visibility and more are factors that go into changing the testing mindset at a company … continue reading

From the Editors: JavaScript or Dart: It’s all standard

Programming language standardization slows the pace of evolution but opens the door to bigger opportunities … continue reading

Internet-focused standards organizations come together on open standards principles

The push is on for greater understanding and acceptance of these five OpenStand principles … continue reading Protection Status
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