Mozilla has announced the Firefox OS 2.5 developer preview along with an experimental Android app. The app lets developers experience Firefox OS as an alternate home screen on their Android device, without having to re-flash and replace Android installation. Version 2.5 features add-ons that can extend apps, a new privacy feature that allows users to … continue reading
In a previous column, I discussed the important shift taking place toward microservices and provided a characterization of the key aspects of this new architectural approach. Here I discuss the factors that will help enterprises transition to a microservices approach to software development. Culture and skill: Evaluate your organization’s culture and skill and make any … continue reading
The Web is ever changing, and with it so are the back-end technologies used to power Web applications. With the rise of mobile enterprise application platforms, mobile back ends as services and now microservices, it can be confusing what these terms mean and how they should be used. Appcelerator has created a “family tree” infographic … continue reading
Bolstered by the near-meteoric rise of container technology, especially Docker, the term “microservices” is now being used to describe the type of software architecture anointed as the shiny new technology that will deliver software engineering to the Promised Land. The reality is that the principles of microservices go back to the ancient history of software … continue reading
Remember that famous headline from a few years back: “SOA is Dead!” Well, reports of SOA’s death have been greatly exaggerated. SOA—the term that defined service-oriented architecture—is alive and well today as the underpinning for microservices and containers. Together, microservices and containers comprise the final piece of a mechanism that ties Agile development, Continuous Delivery … continue reading
Following a look inside Ansible 2.0 and Ansible Tower 2.2, the open-source community took the lead at AnsibleFest NYC in presentations showing how the versatile technology works in tandem with popular platforms such as Docker and OpenStack. In a presentation entitled “Operating Your OpenStack Cloud Using Ansible,” Rackspace cloud solutions architect Walter Bentley explained why, … continue reading
Google has announced Preemptible Virtual Machines, a new beta cloud technology for Google Compute Engine. Preemptible VMs are cloud instances that can be shut down at any time for short-term storage capacity at a low fixed cost. Google recommended them for distributed, fault-tolerant workloads that don’t require continuous availability of any single instance. The temporary … continue reading
Microservices and containers are perhaps the greatest potential change in how IT organizations deliver and run software services since the arrival of virtual machines. Such a change brings with it lots of interest and enthusiasm, and inevitably much hype and bandwagon-jumping, too. But, amid all the noise, let’s not forget that it’s early days yet—not … continue reading
API marketplace and management platform Mashape has open-sourced Kong, its platform providing a centralized management layer for APIs and microservices. Kong enables developers to create plugins for authentication, rate limiting, transformations and other common utilities in Web, mobile and IoT applications. The platform uses NGINX as a proxy server, and supports single and multi-datacenter setups … continue reading
Changing your application development culture to embrace mobility is akin to moving from a Soviet-style economy to laissez-faire: It’s mind-blowing. That’s how significant it is to understand and implement all that writing applications for mobile devices entails, according to Forrester analyst Jeffrey Hammond, who spoke to me about the changes facing developers in today’s world … continue reading