Topic: microservices

Guest View: Microservices force companies to innovate or die

“Microservices” has become one of the hottest buzzwords of the past few years, and as with any game-changing new technology, there has certainly been no shortage of differing opinions around the topic. Some have been bullish about the adoption of microservices, calling them “SOA done right,” while naysayers claim that the idea is simply a … continue reading

Rancher 1.0 is released, Quali open-sources plug-ins, and new functionality for BlazeMeter—SD Times digest: March 29, 2016

Rancher Labs has announced its open-source container-management software is out of beta and generally available. Rancher 1.0 aims to accelerate all aspects of the software development pipeline, from writing and testing code, to running complex microservice-based applications. Features include the ability to select from multiple container orchestration frameworks like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes; a cloud-agnostic … continue reading

Docker for Mac and Windows enters private beta

Docker is looking to increase users’ portability and agility with its newly announced native apps: Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows. Both are entering private beta. “These are really tools that will help developers become more agile, develop microservice-based applications, and bring the power of Docker to development,” said Patrick Chanezon, chief developer advocate … continue reading

AquaJS framework for Node.js is open source and in beta

An open-source framework wants to tackle the challenges presented by moving to microservices and speed up application development so programmers do not have to spend as much time building software infrastructure. AquaJS is a framework for Node.js that was created at Equinix, which provides carrier-neutral datacenters and Internet exchanges for interconnection. AquaJS was developed to … continue reading

Container Summit: How do containers grow in the enterprise?

The rise of containers has already taken hold in the developer community, but the conversation in the enterprise is just beginning. Containers can be used as a driving force behind an organization’s digital transformation, yet only 8% of enterprise developers are currently using containers for production release, according to Dave Bartoletti, principal analyst at Forrester, … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Wercker

Wercker, an automation cloud platform provider, wants to help developers rapidly build and deploy containerized apps and microservices on desktop environments. The company has announced it is open-sourcing its Command Line Interface (CLI) technology for developers. The company hopes the Wercker CLI will empower developers to create workflow capabilities, like attaining better development-production parity and … continue reading

2015: The year in services

Could it be that the SOA revolution of 2005 was simply premature? After years of pain and suffering, it would appear that the Service-Oriented Architecture is, in fact, all the rage. What our modern SOA landscape looks like versus what it looked like in 2005, however, shows quite a land shift. Ten years ago, services … continue reading


SD Times Blog: Technology for clothing suits Zimmer just fine

When Men’s Warehouse founder George Zimmer was voted out by his own board of directors in June 2013, it was a curious situation. Zimmer was unhappy with the decision, obviously, and since that time has been doing something about it: He’s been building two startups that could destroy his old company. Zimmer has been appearing … continue reading

From the Editors: When microservices are frozen, it’s time to let them go

While attending QCon last month, we happened upon a great talk from Matt Ranney, chief architect at Uber. His company has more than 700 internal microservices. This has come about because the philosophy at Uber is to let new engineers write new code, rather than dive into some old crusty software that’s been handed down … continue reading

PaaS gets a new lease on life

Derek Collison’s first cloud platform might have sterling credentials, but he now calls it a tarnished effort. “I see the writing on the wall. A couple years ago, I started saying PaaS is dead. I’m arguing that Cloud Foundry has not been able to keep up. At KubeCon [Google’s conference for the Kubernetes container orchestration … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Cyber Monday highlights changes in software organizations

Cyber Monday: You’re soaking in it. If you’ve got the time to read this today, you clearly aren’t working in a company that has a major online retail component. Rather, you should be staring at your dashboards, religiously checking to see if anything has broken. Or if it’s broken now. Or now. Or maybe even … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Seneca

Microservices are becoming increasingly popular in the software industry as a way for developers to break down their monolithic applications into smaller components, so today we are featuring a microservices toolkit for Node.js. Seneca aims to take dependencies out of a developer’s workflow so they just have to worry about writing clean and organized code. … continue reading Protection Status
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