Topic: revulytics

Flexera acquires software usage analytics company Revulytics

In an effort to help software companies better understand how their products and solutions are being used, Flexera has acquired the software usage analytics provider Revulytics.  In a recent report from Flexera, the company found that while companies who understand usage are more confident in the value they bring, only 35% companies are able to … continue reading

Revulytics introduces interactive path analytics in its Usage Intelligence platform

Software analytics provider Revulytics has announced new reporting capabilities in its Usage Intelligence platform, which integrates with applications to provide usage analytics. The platform now includes User Flow reporting, which will provide product teams with an interactive visualization of the paths that users take when navigating an application. With User Flow reporting, teams will be … continue reading

SD Times news digest: GitHub’s open-source load balancer, Sauce Labs’ Continuous Testing Services, and Eggplant Release Insights

GitHub has announced that its load balancer, GLB Director, is now open source. According to the company, GLB Director is a Layer 4 load balancer that can scale an IP address across a large number of physical machines while minimizing connection disruption during changes in servers. GitHub hopes that by open-sourcing the solution, others will … continue reading

Google Research open sources Facets, Lambda@Edge, and Revulytics Usage Intelligence 5 — SD Times news digest: July 18, 2017

Google Research wants to help researchers get the most out of their machine learning models and data. With the PAIR initiative, the company is releasing Facets, an open source visualization tool to aid researchers in understanding and analyzing machine learning datasets. In addition to the open source code, Google Research created a Facets demo website … continue reading

Industry Spotlight: Get insight into application usage

Developers building SaaS applications have many analytics options that can help them understand feature usage, but they struggle to do the same thing with their on-premises software.  Yet, collecting usage data from existing on-premises software is critical for their SaaS roadmap and initiatives. Revulytics bridges the gap by providing insight into packaged software, allowing developers … continue reading

How APM tools help businesses understand the customer’s journey

Monitoring applications and user experiences is like making coffee. A person can heat up the water, measure the exact amount of coffee grinds, and put the right amount of milk or sugar in it, brewing what he or she thinks is the perfect cup of coffee. The assumption is, the person who drinks this cup … continue reading Protection Status
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