Topic: web security

Web application security: The piece you’re probably missing

While most organizations recognize the need to protect their web apps, their efforts tend to focus on the server side, leaving a critical attack vector exposed: the client side. The fact of the matter is the entire web application ecosystem must be protected, end to end, and that includes mobile, JavaScript, desktop, server and API. … continue reading

FSF responds to W3C director’s decision not to block EME

When the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) director Tim Berners-Lee decided the organization would not block Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) in HTML5, many people went up in arms. EME allows web pages to include encrypted content using a Digital Rights Management (DRM). The reason why people are against this is because they believe DRM imposes … continue reading

Mozilla’s Observatory, the Zig programming language, and uSens’ VR/AR SDK—SD Times news digest: Aug. 29, 2016

Mozilla has launched a new solution designed to help developers secure their websites. The HTTP Observatory website provides developers with a set of tools to analyze their sites, and gather information on whether or not they are using the most secure solutions. According to the company, Observatory is split into three projects: a scanner, a … continue reading Protection Status
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