Topic: scaling

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: CodeFlare

CodeFlare is IBM’s open-source framework that simplifies the integration and scaling of big data and AI workflows onto the hybrid cloud.  It drastically reduces the time to set up, run, and scale machine learning tests and expands on the functionality of Ray.  Also, CodeFlare pipelines run with ease on IBM’s new serverless platform IBM Cloud … continue reading

DigitalOcean App Platform launched for building, deploying and scaling apps

With the release of the DigitalOcean App Platform, the company wants to make writing code a lot easier for developers by automatically deploying and running their code at scale.  “Even though Kubernetes has emerged as a middle ground between PaaS’s convenience and the control of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), it is still somewhat complicated,” … continue reading

Top 5 challenges when scaling DevOps in the enterprise

The goals and principles of DevOps should be the same in any organization; however, scaling DevOps practices in large enterprises with hundreds of applications, geographically dispersed teams, and both loosely and tightly coupled architectures presents some unique challenges. Each enterprise has its own DNA that has organically evolved through generations of applications and technologies with … continue reading

NodeSource introduces Node.js platform for enterprises

Node.js got an enterprise boost today, as NodeSource released a beta version of its NSolid platform. The new platform is based on Linux containers, and Kubernetes. Developers can use NSolid as their deployment platform for Node.js applications within a Kubernetes cluster. The benefit of using the NSolid platform is that it can be plugged into … continue reading

Chef unifies product line

At ChefConf in Austin, Chef today unveiled its newest product, which unifies its tools into a single platform containing workflow, automation and compliance capabilities. Chef Automate tops the Chef product line now, as it includes the company’s compliance tool InSpec, application automation tool Habitat, and Chef for provisioning automation. Chef Automate includes an analytics dashboard … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Cyber Monday highlights changes in software organizations

Cyber Monday: You’re soaking in it. If you’ve got the time to read this today, you clearly aren’t working in a company that has a major online retail component. Rather, you should be staring at your dashboards, religiously checking to see if anything has broken. Or if it’s broken now. Or now. Or maybe even … continue reading

Uber: Embracing the chaos

At QCon San Francisco today, Matt Ranney, chief architect at Uber, detailed the chaotic internal workings of the company’s software stack. The talk included references to three of Uber’s open-source projects, but also highlighted the utter chaos going on inside the organization. When Uber was created, said Ranney, it was little more than an outsourced … continue reading

Analyst View: A microservices checklist

In a previous column, I discussed the important shift taking place toward microservices and provided a characterization of the key aspects of this new architectural approach. Here I discuss the factors that will help enterprises transition to a microservices approach to software development. Culture and skill: Evaluate your organization’s culture and skill and make any … continue reading

Guest View: How agile are your IT Operations?

IT Operations people are too often the unsung heroes in an IT organization. They perform a phenomenal set of tasks that can easily be overshadowed by more glamorous developers. You know the ones: Always in the spotlight creating the apps that promise to make the business 1, 10 or 100 million dollars. IT Operations teams … continue reading

Guest View: Continuous Delivery: Scaling from 2,000 to 40,000 developers worldwide

What does scalability mean in your software organization? Scalability is a word that is used quite often in the IT world, but it means something different to every software development company. The definition is straightforward: Scalability is the ability of a system, network or process to handle a growing amount of work in a capable … continue reading

Kinks persist in continuous workflows

As agile practices continue to gain momentum, and as delivery deadlines grow shorter, the ability to quickly fix bugs and add features is imperative. Despite the hype, not all organizations have adopted Continuous Integration (CI) yet. While continuous builds and CI practices are becoming more common—and a smaller percentage of companies have embraced Continuous Delivery … continue reading Protection Status
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