Microsoft recently announced the .NET Tech Community Forums for all .NET developer topics and discussions. To take part in this forum, developers can join the .NET tech community, choose a discussion space, start a new discussion, and collaborate with other .NET developers.
The .NET Tech Community Forums also allow users to follow any topic that interests them. This enables users to then receive updates through email, RSS feeds, or on the user’s tech community homepage. In addition, because the .NET Tech Community is a part of the entire Microsoft tech community, users gain access to several product and special topic community hubs that they can join, follow, and start discussions on as well.
To learn more, visit here.
Microsoft joins Java Community Process
Microsoft announced that it has signed the Java Specification Participation Agreement (JSPA) to officially join the Java Community Process. The Java Community Process is the mechanism for developing technical specifications for Java Technologies allowing for collaboration between individual developers, customers, and vendors.
Since the announcement of the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK in April 2021, Java usage within Microsoft has grown significantly. Currently, there are more than 500,000 JVMs in production running hundreds of internal Microsoft systems.
In addition to this, there are many customers and developers coding and running Java on Microsoft Azure and GitHub. With this, the joining of the Java Community Process comes as a natural step forward for Microsoft in shaping the future of the Java platform.
AWS announces Babelfish Aurora PostgreSQL
Amazon recently announced the availability of Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition, which can understand the SQL Server wire protocol. This allows users to migrate SQL Server applications to PostgreSQL cheaper, more quickly, and with less risk involved.
With this, users can migrate their application in a fraction of the time that a traditional migration would normally require. Users can continue to use their existing queries and drivers while pointing the application to an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL database with Babelfish activated. Babelfish then adds the capability to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL in order to better understand the SQL Server wire protocol Tabular Data Stream (TDS), as well as extending PostgreSQL to understand frequently used T-SQL Commands used by SQL Server.
To learn more about Babelfish Aurora PostgreSQL, visit here.