In order to facilitate the development of standards for sharing data across different platforms within the value stream, a new technical committee has sprung up from within OASIS Open, which is an open source and standards consortium.
According to the committee, organizations typically employ a number of different tools to measure software performance in order to maximize innovation, drive growth, and add value.
Led by Helen Beal, chair of the Value Stream Management Consortium and chief ambassador at the DevOps Institute, and Kelly Cullinane, director of energy and federal services at Copado, the Value Stream Management Interoperability (VSMI) Technical Committee aims to bring increased interoperability between these tools. This will enable a more secure approach to sharing data across platforms.
According to Beal, value stream management (VSM) is the next evolution of DevOps, and “pivotal to that is the DevOps tool chain and at the Consortium, we talked about the need for a common data model,” she said.
To read the full article, find it on VSM Times.