Rational Software Corp.: Leading up to its acquisition by IBM Corp., Rational continued to be the 800-pound gorilla in the modeling space. The new XDE innovated by melding traditional modeling and visual development.
Embarcadero Technologies Inc.: ER/Studio generated buzz for both data and application modeling.
I-Logix Inc.: Rhapsody leads interactive embedded designing and modeling.
Interactive Objects Software GmbH: Innovated on styling OMG’s Model Driven Architecture.
Jcorporate Ltd.: Through Expresso, it polishes Apache’s Struts MVC framework.
MetaMatrix Inc.: Demonstrated the power of OMG’s Meta Object Facility.
Popkin Software Inc.: Takes enterprise modeling and architecture to the highest level.
Select Business Solutions Inc.: Aonix spin-off brings modeling approach to component builders.
Telelogic AB: The Tau of modeling spans enterprise and real-time applications.
TogetherSoft Inc.: Now owned by Borland, Together Control Center gave a perfect mix of code and models.

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