Topic: app design

Task Planner in Infragistics Ultimate 21.1

Infragistics Ultimate 21.1 zeros in on designer-developer collaboration

The latest version of the Infragistics Ultimate UI/UX toolkit is now available with new Indigo.Design, Agular, React, Web Components, Windows Forms and WPF features.  Infragistics Ultimate 21.1 is built off of three key themes:  Enabling hyper-productivity and better collaboration between app development and design through its design-to-code platform Indigo.Design App Builder New innovations and experiences … continue reading

Five steps developers can follow to measure the ROI of mobile apps

With today’s hyperactive application market, it can be a challenge for today’s developers to achieve financial success. For some free mobile applications, measuring the return on investment is complex, and businesses can get caught up trying to sift through the sea of analytics tools before they even define their return on investment. Many mobile development … continue reading

Guest View: Now what’s keeping enterprise app developers up at night?

Enterprise mobile app developers continue to grapple with many of the familiar dilemmas for creating apps that will best serve their organizations in the next year and beyond. As in any year, developers will be looking to increase the productivity of their organization’s employees (and perhaps partners) who are using the app, which can be … continue reading Protection Status
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