Topic: net foundation

Project Reaqtor

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Project Reaqtor

The .NET Foundation announced the release of Project Reaqtor, an open-source set of framework components for building distributed event processing systems across cloud and devices. The project came out of a collaboration from the foundation, Microsoft and Endjin. According to the foundation, the project has been 10 years in the making and is an evolution … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: C# standardization

Microsoft has announced C# standardization is now open sourced. The work for C# standards will now happen in the open under the .NET Foundation while the ECMA C# standards committee, TC-49-TG2 is still responsible for creating the proposed standard for the C# language. “Moving the standards work into the open, under the .NET Foundation, makes … continue reading

SD Times news digest: .NET Foundation Open Membership, Hyperledger Ursa, and Android codelab courses

Microsoft has announced it is opening the .NET Foundation to the open-source community. “The .NET Foundation was founded in 2014 to foster .NET open source development and collaboration. We’re thrilled to have been a part of some amazing growth and momentum since then! On the platform projects alone, 87% of the people who contribute to … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Infer.NET

Microsoft has announced its machine learning framework Infer.NET is now open source. Infer.NET focuses specifically on running Bayesian inference in graphical models. According to the company, it can also be used for probabilistic programming. “Open sourcing Infer.NET represents the culmination of a long and ambitious journey. Our team at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK embarked … continue reading

Progress open-sources its UI library, Box updates its developer experiences, and the Docker Datacenter updates—SD Times news digest: Feb. 9, 2017

Progress has open-sourced its Progress Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform, which is a set of native UI controls for building Windows apps. With this announcement, Progress also revealed it is donating to the .NET Foundation to help it with open development in the .NET ecosystem. “With this donation, we are extending our commitment to … continue reading

Microsoft seeks to grow Azure platform with products, partnerships

Continuing on its cloud-first, mobile-first journey, Microsoft today announced that more developers will have access to the company’s Azure cloud platform. At its second Connect conference in New York City this morning, the company said it has joined the Linux Foundation to collaborate with open-source developers, and that Google has joined the .NET Foundation. Further, … continue reading

Cake build automation system joins the .NET Foundation

The .NET Foundation has announced the cross-platform build automation system Cake is joining its family. Cake is built on top of Roslyn and the Mono compiler, and is designed to help developers write build scripts in C#. “We firmly believe that creating a reliable and maintainable build automation script is best done in the same … continue reading

Microsoft open-sources WCF, and OpenStack debuts Community App Catalog—SD Times news digest: May 20, 2015

Microsoft announced it has open-sourced the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) framework as a .NET Foundation project. According to a blog post by WCF project lead Ron Cain, the new open-source version of WCF will target the .NET Core framework for cross-platform architectures on Linux, OS X and Windows. Visual Studio 2015 RC also supports WCF … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Oct. 15, 2014—Google’s Android Lollipop, Microsoft and Xamarin expand .NET Foundation and IBM’s IoT Foundation

Google announces Android Lollipop We finally know what the “L” stands for. Google announced its next mobile operating system, Android 5.0, will be codenamed Lollipop, and ship on the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 in November. Google first announced Android “L” back in June at Google I/O, releasing a developer preview with more than 5,000 … continue reading

.NET Foundation shows renewed faith in open source from Microsoft

The company has been here before with Codeplex and Outercurve; where is it going with it now? … continue reading

Microsoft starts up .NET Foundation

New group should shepherd Microsoft and .NET-flavored open source into the community … continue reading Protection Status
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