Topic: programming languages

Report: Python has overtaken Java in the last year

For the past few years, reports have indicated that Python was quickly rising to the top of the most used programming languages. Python was the 2018 TIOBE Index programming language of the year. TIOBE even predicted in June of last year that Python would soon surpass Java on its index. Additionally, it was the second-most … continue reading

Microsoft provides insight into its programming language Bosque

Microsoft Research is working on a new programming language designed around cloud-first development and artificial intelligence. As part of its work, the company announced new capabilities for the Bosque programming language created to support automated reasoning tools. According to Microsoft, Bosque derives from a combination of TypeScript inspired syntax and types plus ML and Node/JavaScript … continue reading

Moving from Python 2 to Python 3

Python 2 has officially reached its end of life. The Python programming language team just announced Python 2.7.18, the last release of Python 2. Going forward, Python 2 will no longer receive updates, bug reports, fixes or changes.  The Python Software Foundation recommends those using Python 2 switch to Python 3 as soon as possible. … continue reading

Swift 5.2 now available

Swift, the programming language for macOS and iOS, has just released a new update. According to the team behind the language, Swift 5.2 focuses on improving developer experience, with improved compiler diagnostics and code completion, debugging reliability, handling of dependencies, and tooling.  Swift developer John Sundell wrote that “while Swift 5.2’s total number of new … continue reading

What’s coming in the Java 14 release

Java 14 is expected to be released laster this month. The latest update to the programming language features a number of changes. Here is a breakdown of upcoming changes: JEP 305: Pattern Matching for instanceof (Preview): Pattern matching allows common logic to be expressed “concisely and safely.” According to OpenJDK documentation, the motivation for introducing … continue reading

Java celebrates 25th anniversary following the release of Java 14

The two major Java releases are often the biggest news for the Java community each year, but this year brings another thing for the Java community to celebrate. This month brings the latest Java release, JDK 14, but in May, the programming language will celebrate its 25th anniversary.  The first Java release was on May … continue reading

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TypeScript 3.8 is now available

Microsoft has announced the availability of the latest version of TypeScript. TypeScript 3.8 introduces several new features, including new ECMAScript standards features and new syntax for type-only imports and exports. One of the new ECMAScript features is private fields. Rules of private fields include that they start with a “#” character, every private field name … continue reading

C++20 is completed

The ISO C++ Committee has completed the Committee Draft for C++20, and will move it to the Draft International Standard for final approval and publication. C++20 features major programming language features such as modules, concepts, coroutines, and better-time programming support. According to the committee, C++20 is “the most impactful revision of C++ in a decade.” … continue reading

The Swift programming language’s roadmap to version 6

The Swift programming team wants to pursue new frontiers as it looks to version 6 of the programming language. According to the team, it has reached critical milestones of majority over the last couple of versions, making it possible for users to invest in using Swift.  For instance, the arrival of ABI and module stability … continue reading

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Go 1.15 planning is underway

Go 1.14 is on track to be released in February, but the Go team is already planning ahead to the next release. Go 1.15 is scheduled for August, and the team is currently considering what library and language changes to include.  According to the team, the primary goals for Go are package and version management, … continue reading

C is TIOBE’s programming language of the year for 2019

Last year, Python took the crown as TIOBE’s programming language of the year. Then, earlier this year, TIOBE predicted that Python would surpass both Java and C as the top programming language at its current rate of growth. But TIOBE is surprising everyone by naming C as its 2019 programming language of the year.  “Everybody … continue reading

State of JavaScript: JavaScript ecosystem continues to change year after year

The JavaScript ecosystem refuses to stay still. A newly released report finds significant features and improvements are being made to the programming language every year through front end frameworks, data layers, testing, mobile devices and more.  The 2019 State of JavaScript report is created by developers Sacha Greif and Raphaël Benitte, and aims to take … continue reading Protection Status
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